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We have a new logo!

In the early days of UniverCity, the SFU Community Trust helped to set up and organize the UCA. Because of this history, we've shared their orange and blue logo since the community began. But the UCA has evolved into a completely separate organization and it's time for us to adopt a logo to reflect that.

We are happy to reveal our new logo, designed by one of our talented community volunteers.

About the logo

An important feature and appeal of the UniverCity community is the connection to nature, which is symbolized by the silhouette of the black bear and her cub, a sometime visitor to the mountain neighbourhood. At the same time, the choice of a mother/child pairing reinforces the caring motives of the community association.

The logo sits alongside the UCA name set in Helvetica Neue, a reimagining of the classic font, which exudes professionalism and timelessness.

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