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COMING SOON: Physically Distanced Community Clean-Up

When the snow melts, the UCA will be announcing the start of a socially distanced community clean-up campaign.

Due to restrictions usual Earth Day events can't take place. So, in partnership with the amazing team from Nesters we are getting gloves, bags, and a limited number of collection tongs together that can be borrowed by community members to wander in the sunshine and clean up our neighbourhood and trails together.

When the dates are announced UniverCity residents can visit Nesters during their regular business hours for supplies. When you return the supplies, full garbage bags can be dropped off in the designated drop-off space. Don't forget to let Nesters staff know you've dropped off full garbage bags when you're done.

So we can celebrate and document the efforts of the community working apart and together, we want you to tag the UCA or send photos to use through email, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. #earthdayUCA #earthdayunivercity #univercity

please note: photos tagged and share with the UCA with these hashtags may be used in future marketing for next year's earth day!

For complete details and exciting posters please see the PDF attached.

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