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UniverCity residents: sign up for the childcare waitlist!

Do you live in UniverCity? Are you looking for child care?

The SFU Childcare Society isn't just for people affiliated with SFU. While it's true that SFU staff, faculty and students have first priority, UniverCity residents who are not affiliated with SFU are offered spaces there every year. They have recently reopened their waiting list, and we encourage you to put your child's name on the list by visiting

The number of people on the waiting list helps the government to make decisions about where to prioritize investments in new child care spaces. So a long waiting list isn't always a bad thing because it can lead to more child care spaces being created to serve the area.

Need another reason to apply? Local MLAs have just announced that the SFU Childcare Society will soon be a $10-a-day ChildCareBC Site, which caps fees at $200 each month per child.

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